
"Made in Armenia" Special leasing offer for Armenian manufacturers

In these days of crisis, it is necessary to support local manufacturers as much as possible.

The special offer of "Made In Armenia" leasing of "Armenian Leasing Company" has exactly that goal.

Manufacture companies operating in Armenia for at least 1 year will have the opportunity to lease fixed assets with a 9% prepayment (instead of 20%) until December 31.

Develop your manifacture with minimal initial investment, thus contributing to the development of the economy.




Made in Armenia
Until 31-12-2021 Existing leasing special offer, aimed to stimulate the local producer
Subject of leasing Fixed assets needed by manufacturing companies *
Leaseholder Individual entrepreneur or legal entity operating in the field of production for at least 12 months
Currency     AMD
The value of the leased item       From 3,000,001 AMD - 30,000,000 AMD
    From $ 6,000 to $ 60,000
    From 5,000 EUROS - 50,000 EUROS
Annual nominal interest rate       14.5% -18% (AMD)
    11.5% -14% (USD)
    9.5% -11.5% (Euro)
Leasing term     6-60 months
Prepayment     9%
Leasing fee     1-2%
Fee for transfer of ownership      5000 AMD
Subleasing     Not allowed
Penalties     0․13% on overdue rent (daily)
Means of securing the transaction     Subject of leasing
Credit history The number of overdue days of the Leaseholder (s) in the previous 24 months should not exceed 30 total days, and 10 consecutive days.

* Acquired only from the primary market, which are subject to compulsory insurance leasing throughout the validity period.


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