A new partnership with the European Investment Bank (EIB)

Armleasing has joined the European Investment Bank (EIB) "Economic Confrontation of Armenia" program

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Armleasing "delivers" financial solutions

"Mobile office" is one of our best solutions, where distance is no longer an obstacle!

It is adapted to organize meetings with customers if necessary and to accept applications in the car.


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State Support Program for Agricultural Machinery Leasing

Until 31.12.2021 with the financing of "Armenian Leasing Company" purchase high-quality agricultural machinery worth up to 200 million AMD at a 0% interest rate within the framework of the state support program.


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Photoelectric power stations in non-gasified communities

- 7.1 - 8% annual interest rate (in AMD),
- Lease term - up to 8 years,
- Prepayment - 20%,
- Commission fee - 0%

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«Made in Armenia» special leasing offer to Armenian producers

Manifacture companies operating in Armenia for at least one year will have the opportunity to lease fixed assets with a 9% down prepayment until December 31.

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Armleasing is launching a new partnership with Symbiotics Investments

Armleasing expands investment opportunities through cooperation with Symbiotics Investments, attracting additional financial resources.

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Նոր համագործակցություն Եվրոպական Ներդրումային բանկի (EIB) հետ English

Արմլիզինգը միացել է Եվրոպական Ներդրումային բանկի (EIB) "Հայաստանի տնտեսական դիմակայություն" ծրագրին

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Flexible Financial Solutions

Our mission is to be a constantly evolving, innovative and stable financial partner, providing flexible and high quality financial and non-financial (consulting, training, supporting the development of certain sectors of the economy) services to the population and business entities operating in different sectors of the economy. 

Special offers
Armleasing "delivers" financial solutions

"Mobile office" is one of our best solutions, where distance is no longer an obstacle!

It is adapted to organize meetings with customers if necessary and to accept applications in the car.


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Նոր համագործակցություն Եվրոպական Ներդրումային բանկի (EIB) հետ English

Արմլիզինգը միացել է Եվրոպական Ներդրումային բանկի (EIB) "Հայաստանի տնտեսական դիմակայություն" ծրագրին

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Armleasing is launching a new partnership with Symbiotics Investments

Armleasing expands investment opportunities through cooperation with Symbiotics Investments, attracting additional financial resources.

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Memorandum of Cooperation between Armleasing UCO CJSC and "Kamurj" UCO CJSC

According to the policy adopted by Armleasng which is cooperate, not to compete with other... Read more

Armleasing and Evocabank have signed a cooperation agreement

"Armenian Leasing Company" and "Evocabank" have signed a cooperation agreement W... Read more

2021 agricultural insurance works have started

The works of concluding insurance contracts for the agricultural year 2021 have started. In order to... Read more

Summing up 2020, we are moving towards 2021

  The first words we all remember speaking about 2020 at are the words "trials&q... Read more

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